Monday, August 11, 2008

Injuries Suck!

So I intended on getting this up and pretty. But... I decided to get hurt. I am waiting on results from an MRI but the guess is that I have a pinched nerve and bulging discs in my neck. I have had shooting pains down my right arm to my elbow. At times it kills me... others I hardly notice it. I hope to be back up and at this soon but at least I have a photo of the kiddos up now!

Next week there will be lots to report: Emily goes to the orthodontist. Emily starts Junior High. Tom and Isabelle both go back to school. Mom regains sanity? Watch for an update!


Becky said...

Love the picture of the kids, Emily and Tommy, what a stitch! I can see Molly and Ben doing something like that. Hope you feel better soon, pain does suck! We start school tomorrow the 13th, yeah!

Becky said...

Hey heard you might need to have surgery, so sorry. Hang in there, smile, laugh, cry, and eat some good chocolate, that's how I'm surviving maybe give it a whirl. Seriously though hang in there.